Friday, November 12, 2010

Gluten Free Nation

I never knew a food allergy could be so detrimental to my body and mind. I never knew I had a food allergy. I  honestly thought life was just terrible. I walked around in pain, discomfort, anxiety and confusion. I lived a life of weight gain, breathing problems and severe depression. I was irritable, angry and had no concept of how to form relationships with people because of a protein found in grain that was deteriorating my brain and tearing up my stomach lining. Food was always my enemy. I was my enemy. I would eat and my legs would feel heavy and hurt. I would eat and my stomach would burn. I would eat and I could not think straight, I would get very upset, and have severe memory lapses. Can you imagine living like that? Seven years ago I was diagnosed with Celiac disease(an autoimmune disease in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged from eating gluten and other protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats) but I ignored my doctor. A few years later after moving to Utah, another doctor told me I am allergic to wheat. I still did not listen. It was not until I was so tired of all the social anxiety, pain and depression that I finally stopped. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and decided it was time for me to take control of my life. Luckily, at the time I made this huge life change, GF food started popping up everywhere. I already had tons of books my dad bought for me on the subject years prior and I did some serious research. I cut out all sugar, yeast, and gluten from my diet starting February 27 2010. I was 185lbs. By March 15, I was already down to 165lbs. I was amazed. I went from a size 16 to a size 6 in five months! I felt so great! I got rid of all the toxic people in my life and all the toxic food in my system. Everything was clear! I did better in school, I had more energy, and I finally felt good enough about me that I wanted to share it with someone. Jared is that special someone. He is the greatest support system someone could ask for. He encourages my GF life and lives it with me. Everything we eat is GF in our home. I am very lucky to have met him and I am proud of myself for finally taking control of my life and my health. Now that I am healthy and happy, I want to share that with everyone. I want to share my food, my thoughts, and my recipes for all of you to try and for you to share. 

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