It has come to my attention that although I am not cooking, I am still eating. Who knew. I cannot say I am eating well, but I can say I am eating. Per my usual there is a lot of tension in my life and the people I choose to associate with, so this holiday season I have just kept my mouth shut and continued chewing. I have found other creative outlets this season, such as crafting. I made a few really pretty wreaths for my soon to be new apartment and look forward to hanging them in my own place. I have also made some new amazing friends and we eat together pray together and love together. They have become very special people in my life and I greatly appreciate them. We cook very simple and delcious meals of rice, vegetables, and fish and It is very enjoyable. I think the food tastes about 100 times better because the company is so spectacular. As those of you who read this (if any), probably have figured out this 2012 was NOT my year and I had to overcome far too much and I am so thankful for a new year and a new job and my new friends and my soon to be new apartment and all together new life. I have a lot of great things to look forward to this year and I feel like for once, things will go right for me. I am completely done with school, I have learned to live with practically nothing (which I actually like), I may not be cooking or baking as much as I want, but I have found other things I am really good at and enjoy doing a lot. Now I just need my personal blog to do as well as the blog I get paid to write. Oh yeah, I am officially a paid writer. Did I forget to mention that? :)
Lets talk New Years resolutions, shall we...
I have decided that I am not going to sit here and make an unrealistic list of things I will and will not do this year. I am going to continue my practice of changing how I react to things, not taking things so personally, continue staying in the present, meditating and doing yoga, and being the best person I can be. I just want to continue working on the goals I set for myself earlier this year so I don't set myself up for failure. I am aware of my flaws and the only ones I am going to fix are the ones that make me unhappy, not the ones you don't like. That is probably my resolution: I will work on making myself happy and now worrying about how other people feel about me. I will practice being myself instead of getting wrapped up in what I think others want from me. That makes me feel so selfish since I am a people pleaser, but I need to just not care what other people think and make sure I can stand me because I have to live with me everyday. But for fun, this is what I want my resolutions to be:
1. Eat More
2. Drink more wine
3. Write in my blog more
4. Make more hilarious self-depricating comments about myself
5. Spend more time with my friends
6. Be less bitter, but drink more bitters
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