I can't sleep. I am so tired but I just can't make it into bed. There are too many things to do. Nothing necessary, but with my child asleep and my husband out of town, between 9pm-6am I have all the time in the world. Who needs sleep when you can bake pie crusts.
Aside from the 3 meals I created today for my child, I made sausage and apple cornbread stuffing baked into an acorn squash and a French ganache pie. And it's only 10pm!
Insomnia makes me hungry.

Like so many white women in yoga pants drinking lattes, I love fall. Not for sweaters, I wear them year round (yes, folks, even in summer- no I dont have a thyroid problem), Not so much for the artificially
flavored pumpkin nonsense you all love so much, but for a similar reason: winter squash. Winter vegetables in general. I love root vegetables. I love to roast carrots, parsnips and beets-- stuff things into gourds and baked them, and most importantly, baking sweets.
I long for the days when my daughter can sit still on the counter and be my official pourer and stirrer. I love to cook so much, but what I want more than ever is for my daughter to cook with me. We can use our silly Julia Child voices as we braise cucumbers, bake fresh baguettes, and chocolate cream pies. I want her to develop a sense of giving when she cooks, too. "Let's bake bread for the neighbors!" She will exclaim, "With tiny bottles of rosemary infused olive oil!" That's my girl. And of course she will want to wear the aprons we made together. A mom can dream, right?
And just a reminder, you never have to ask if something I have made is gluten free because it's always gluten free. And if you want a recipe, I would be happy to give it to you.
Happy cooking. I hope you all have help in the kitchen.
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